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Neatens Manila: A Vision for Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Equality Neatens Manila: A Vision for Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Equality

Neatens Manila: A Vision for Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Equality

     Women have been subjected to numerous gender biases and discrimination. For hundreds of years, we were made to believe that our only job is to be confined at home to do household chores. We were made to believe that we, as women, must only serve the opposite gender. In the workplace, we were given tasks that only require the “soft-skills” which are mostly low-paying positions. We were being held to higher scrutiny especially if we do not conform with the society’s idea of femininity. Women are also being subjected to nonconsensual sexual advances and physical harassment. Thanks to the many women in our history who fought for our rights, we were able to come out of the comforts of our homes and exercise our freedom and creativity in different fields.

     In the Philippines, there has been a huge gait towards gender equality in business. Despite that, we are still in constant struggle for our place especially in the workplace and in the world of entrepreneurship. We, in Neatens Manila, believe that women can do so much more in the free world of entrepreneurship and can eventually become their own boss.

     Established in June 2019, Neatens Manila is the brainchild of two women in their 20’s who pursued their vision to provide highly comfortable basic-designed beddings at the lowest price. We are a start-up business that retails high quality bed and bath essentials. Currently, 78% of our consumers are women aged 24-35 years old which turns our vision into reality.

     Starting at one bedding set sold per day, now we have sold at least 30,000 sets overtime. Because of this development, additional employees were needed to help with the growing business. From getting the online orders, packing the sheets, to scheduling the delivery of the orders, all people behind these daily functions are strong and dedicated women. From a team of two, we have grown into a bigger organization that works towards the same goal.

     We, in Neatens Manila, remain steadfast with our dream that is to provide comfort to every home out there and help every woman behind its success to fulfill their personal goals. Our vision for our team of empowered women is to reach every level of success that there is without leaving anyone behind. With that, we want to bring with us every customer that we have by constantly providing quality beddings at a price that does not hurt. Our team composed of young and dedicated women will prove that we, women, can build our own empires, too.

     Despite the major strides that we have made towards gender equality in entrepreneurship and workplace, we must not stop supporting more entrepreneurial women. We must always help our fellow women to develop new skills and have better access to professional and even social network. Neatens Manila envisions to have more women in the economy to start building their own empires. Neatens Manila envisions a society that celebrates women empowerment everyday.


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